Which Program is Right For Me?
"Each and every one of those teachers truly cared about what was going on with their students. I grew tremendously as a person - mentally, emotionally, and intellectually - in nursing school. I realized that out in the workforce I could handle a lot more than I ever thought I would be able to as far as knowledge, stress, and endurance. TCTC just gave me that confidence." -Becky C.
- 2023 NCLEX pass rate for LPN to RN grads*
- 94.74%
- 2022-2023 Job placement rate for LPN to RN grads***
- 100%
- 2023 NCLEX pass rate for Practical Nursing grads**
- 100%
- 2022-2023 Job placement rate for Practical Nursing grads***
- 100%
- hours RNs spent at clinicals
- 450
- hours LPNs spent at clinicals
- 432
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Nothing’s worse than wasting your time and hard-earned money…
You want to get in and out of school quickly so you can get on with your life in a career that you love, right?
We know you don’t want to waste your time with huge classes where it’s difficult to get the one-on-one help you need. After all, the whole reason you’re spending all this time and money going back to school is to make sure you graduate and pass your licensure exam so you can work.
We get it. We ONLY offer healthcare education programs, and we do this so we can devote all of our resources to this specialty. We’ve gone above and beyond to include an exclusive NCLEX prep program that helps prepare you for licensure throughout the duration of our programs. Our track record proves itself…TCTC had a 94.74% NCLEX pass rate* for our 2023 LPN to RN grads and a 100% NCLEX pass rate** for our 2023 PN grads. On top of that 96% job placement rate for LPN to RN grads in 2022.
Accelerated LPN to RN
The Accelerated LPN to RN Bridge Program is designed for students who are already currently Missouri Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) and have chosen to pursue a career as a Registered Nurse.
Practical Nursing (LPN)
Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) provide basic nursing care. They work under the direction of registered nurses and doctors.
- Besides the application, what all do I need to do to get into the program?
That depends on the program. Please see “prerequisites” and “requirements for Program” on the program pages. Please call us for any clarification.
Ask A Question - What entrance exams do I need to take?
If you are applying for the LPN program, you will need to take the TEAS exam. If you are applying for the Accelerated LPN to RN program, you will also take the ATI PN Comprehensive Predictor.
Ask A Question - What programs do you offer?
We have a 1 year Practical Nursing (LPN) program and a 1 year Accelerated LPN to RN program.
Ask A Question - Are you accredited?
We are institutionally accredited by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES).
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- How do gen-eds work?
Our general education classes are part of our program and can be taken during your program; however, a lot of our students take the general education classes before their program begins, which lightens the full-time course load. Give Admissions a call to see which option might work best for you.
Ask A Question - What course prerequisites do I need?
The only program that has course prerequisites is the Accelerated LPN to RN program. The Accelerated LPN to RN program is for current Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) who are IV Certified. If you are an LPN and are applying for the Accelerated LPN to RN program, you will need 17 prerequisite credit hours before the program begins. The prerequisites include : Anatomy & Physiology I & II, English Composition, Introduction to Psychology and Principles of Human Nutrition. For transfer credit eligibility, please see our Student Catalog for a list of requirements.
Ask A Question - Do your programs have additional help if students need it?
We offer one-on-one and small group tutoring.
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